Taking a trip down memory lane, I did a similar challenge back in August for 8 weeks and it truly made a big difference. The reason I did Paleo was because my body was shutting down after just a few weeks of crossfit. I was trying to do my usual diet of low calorie/fat intake and eating clean, but it wasn't giving me the nutrition my body desperately needed to do crossfit. That is when I found paleo, which apparently is the preferred diet for crossfitters. I gave it a shot and absolutely loved it. One day a week I would buy all the foods, cook my meals and freeze them. I even found some amazing crockpot meals that took maybe 10 minutes to prep and I come home after work....bam....dinner is ready!
With all diets, there are small sacrifices. Paleo means no grains, dairy or sugar. Everything else is up for grabs. Now I am a huge food addict so I was even more surprised during the diet that I didn't crave any of those 3 items. Why would I? I could still have bread, made from almond/coconut flour. I had my sweet tooth through MIO drinks, which has no sugar. Dairy, I love my milk but honestly, I had so many amazing meals during paleo that milk was far from my mind.
I can't wait to see how many people join the challenge. The best part will be motivating one another, sharing ideas, sharing recipes and seeing progress! I hope you all join the challenge as there is a 30 day or 60 day challenge. Personally, I recommend a 60 day challenge to allow your body time to adjust to the change and respond to it.
My workouts this week have been amazing. I guess I say that high on endorphins. Haha! I was even complimented on my form this week and how happy I look. I am truly happy and a big thanks goes to crossfit. I have so many plans and ideas for 2013...motivation high baby!
While my weight benchmarks are increasing, even though I have been dropping weights during the WODs, I was super proud of my Over Head Squats. My form was good and I was able to go heavy. Honestly, when I started crossfit, the first month I could only do the PVC pipe. Now, I am able to do 3 OHS at 75 lbs. I say that because it took 3 times to try and get a good picture. Haha! Here I am, getting low but good lord I hate the way my shirt falls and my legs look massive. I need better fitting workout clothes. ;)
Here I am smiling as I straighten out. Kinda blurry but you get the point and at least my legs don't look like steroid enhanced turkey legs. Or do they...
I still walk about 4 miles 3-4 times a week. I tried walking last night but got skeered because the wind was blowing so hard that I could hear the trees in my neighborhood crack. So I reduced it to 1 mile and hurried my butt home. I walk at night, but no worries...I am not alone. In honor of my pup Lexi who passed away after Thanksgiving, I am proud to announce I rescued another furbaby from the local shelter who was on the kill list. He is so gentle, loving and a great walking companion. I introduce to you, Bear...
Today I weighed in at 201 exactly. I swear that scale hates me. I am really hoping the paleo challenge STOPS the yo-yo numbers that I have been seeing on the scale. My pants are still looser then ever, but granted I have cheated a little bit. I know I said I would reduce the weights during my WODs and for the most part, I have. But some days I can't resist and I go for heavy weights, like today. Then I have also been staying after class to do barbell work and find out what my max weight is. I just wanted to find out before the new year started. :)
A big shout out to my fellow crossfitters today who continue to amaze me and motivate me to go further then I ever thought possible! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your holiday is filled with laughter, love, warmth and happiness!
Anna Dubya
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