Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Working out the weakness

Today was a tough workout and I must be honest, I was highly frustrated with myself.  I feel this WOD should have taken me around the 30 minute mark to complete, but instead it took me 49 minutes.  During the workout I felt weak, overheated and nauseated.  When I got home after my WOD, I played it over and over in my head trying to figure out why this WOD was so hard for me.  Why I felt the way I felt.  Why it took me so long to finish.  As I dug through my mind, I realized what I was doing.  I wasn’t searching for answers; I was searching for excuses…a bad habit that I am still working on breaking.

In my professional life, when a problem arises, my first reaction is to identify a resolution quickly and efficiently.  Once the issue is resolved, I can then spare the time to identify why it happened to ensure it doesn’t happen again.  I am going to apply this same tactic with my body as its performance today was seriously slackin.  We all know our own bodies very well, and I admit I don’t always listen to it.  I feel that my body is telling me more fish in my diet is vital right now.  I truly believe this will help my muscles and energy, all the while increasing my iron levels which I feel is really low right now.  Granted, I take fish oil and vitamins every day, but I think I need more. 

As frustrated as I was with myself and my performance today, I am so thankful for my trainer who took the time to flutter kick with me.  This helped push me my last round of the WOD today.  I was getting increasingly mad at myself to the point that negative energy started to take over my workout.  Yet, she jumped in and relit that motivation.  For that I am thankful!

Another crossfitter noticed my struggle and said something that I think is very true.  I told him how I felt and he said it was the weakness leaving the body.  I like this!  I think using this will help refocus my mind during my workouts.  Working out the weakness for me applies both mentally and physically, something I am eager to get rid of.  Tomorrow WOD….me and you!

Weakness leaving the body,
Anna Dubya 

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