Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Burpees everywhere

I saw the WOD for today and seriously thought, "ok, simple and quick enough."  33 bear complexes and you are finished, but every minute drop and give 3 burpees.  I seriously underestimated the workout, even doing a little math in my head prior to starting.  I thought if I do 5 bear complexes a minute, I could be done in roughly 7 minutes.  Heck, I might even be able to do more each minute.  Sounds easy enough. Yay for a quick and easy WOD on this lovely Wednesday!  Oh how wrong I was.

By minute 2, reality hit me like homey the clown slapping me with a sock full of rocks.  My goal of 5 bear complexes a minute quickly dwindled down to 2 per minute.  At one point I was lucky to get 1 per minute.  But the threat of more burpees was just too frightening to allow my body to stop.  If I had to slow it down to 1 or 2 bear complexes a minute, so be it.  But I knew the consequences of stopping....more burpees.  No matter how much I wanted to stop, the burpee threat pushed me to keep moving.  If you have ever seen or played Silent Hill, you know the tornado siren was the frightening sound that warned you what torture was about to occur.  Well, every minute I heard "3 burpees!" was like hearing that siren.  I guess you can see I have a deep seeded "love" for burpees.  Nope.

33 burpees and 33 bear complexes later, I finished right at 12 minutes.  What were once my strong and weight hungry arms were now dreading the weight of my car keys.  I have learned my lesson and will never underestimate a WOD ever again.  

Seeing burpees everywhere,
Anna Dubya

PS.  After a warm shower, the power in my arms returned but I still feel the effects of the WOD. 

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