Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Murph...we meet again

On August 8, 2012 I was first introduced to "Murph", finishing in 68 minutes.  Click here to take a trip back to memory lane.  Today, I seriously finished right at 60 minutes!  Shaving 8 minutes off my original time in just 3 months...but there is way more to this story.  The differences 3 months have made:

  1. My mile time has gone from 14+ mins down to 11 mins 30 seconds, I also ran the entire time this go around.  It also helps when you can breathe, which I can now do thanks to crossfit for giving me the desire to quit smoking.  Nearly 5 months smoke free and going strong!  Oh, I also signed a petition with work to not smoke in 2013.
  2. I completed all 100 pull-ups using the blue band.  Last time I had to stop at 70 and finish with an alternative jump move.  This time I also had my chin above the bar the whole time instead of last time where I could barely get my nose close enough to smell the bar. Skadoosh!
  3. Push-ups (200) and Squats (300) completed without having to split them apart like I did last time.  So I finished all push-ups (on my knees still) and then completed all of my squats.  Next time my goal is no knees! My squat time is also better, 25 a set then break and at one point, I did 50 before taking a break.  Much better then the sets of 10 three months ago.

I could have gotten under 60 minutes today, but I had a bit of a blow out.  Literally.  The night before I tried cutting the calluses off my hands, but was unsuccessful. I do this because the more they build, the more they can tear apart.  I have big calluses now because I don't wear gloves, except on rare occasions.  Truth is, you should wear good gloves, grips or wrap your hands to protect them so the result of today is completely my fault.  

I could feel the calluses aggravate my hands during my pull-ups, but I didn't want to stop to get my gloves.  Well, with only 16 left to go, I had a blow out where my callus decided it wasn't gonna hang around anymore.  So I had to stop for a few minutes to wrap my hand, but you know what....after my hand was wrapped I still finished my 16 pull-ups baby!  If it wasn't for the blow out, I could have finished under 60 but a lesson was learned today.  Here is my battle wound...which oddly enough...I'm extremely proud of. 

Today, I was given the advice to shave the calluses and not cut them.  So I am going to give that a try, oh, and also wear gloves or wrap my hands now.  Haha!

Until we meet again Murph!  
Anna Dubya

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