Thursday, August 16, 2012

WOD it out...

I have always had issues with charlie horses since I was a wee lass.  This morning, alarm went off and the charlie horse of torture was full on flaring in my right leg.  Usually I am stuck with it for the entire day, but I got up to do what I planned the night before....go to crossfit.  Today's WOD consisted of a mile run.  Took me 14:49 minutes, but I did it and guess more charlie horse.  

I was also finally able to do actual box jumps today! Box jumps create a lot of fear in my mind.  "What if I miss it?", "What if I trip on the box corner?", "What if the box cuts me?", "What if I break something?", "What if I fall?".  In nanoseconds, I am totally flipped out at the thought of jumping on the box.  Today, I tried a few before the WOD started just to see if I could do it.  Once I realized I could (VICTORY) the steps needed to execute a safe box jump were etched into my brain which really helped me get-er-done today.  20 fully executed box jumps today folks!  I took it down a notch on my last 10 (stepping up) but 20 is a huge accomplishment for me.  Ya! 

I had a moment this morning as I am so proud of the biceps that are forming.  I actually see definition!  I was even flexing and checking my biceps out while sitting at a red light today, not realizing my brake wasn't fully pressed and I was slowly edging forward.  Luckily I caught it before I went to far, successfully avoiding a bumper to bumper "how ya doin?".  Phew!  Note to self, admire biceps when you aren't driving. 

Overall, today was a great day!  Beat out my charlie horse, box jumped, completed a WOD, saw signs of an actual bicep, avoided bumper kisses and completed another WOD.  Happy dance.  Happy dance.  Happy dance.

I would still be stuck with a charlie horse if it wasn't for WODing it out this morning.  Diss those ailments, aches, pains or excuses and come WOD it out with me!

Anna Dubya

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